Friday, March 26, 2004

Phase 2, Day 20


Breakfast: 1/2 whole wheat bagel with almond-butter/flax meal spread; mug of black tea

Midmorning snack: cup of tomato soup with a dollop of hemp oil

Lunch: 1/2 ww bagel with hummus and tomatoes; 1/2 pummelo; diet Snapple lime green tea

Midafternoon snack: 3 oz baked asian tofu from Trader Joe's

Dinner: chili with TVP; wedge of cornbread

Exercise: none


Tomorrow I weigh/measure. My five week calorie deficit is about 26,500. So tomorrow, the scale should read about 126.5, give or take a pound. The chili I made tonight was pretty salty, though; I'll possibly be retaining a bit more than usual in water. Chili has become a real staple of my diet, replacing spaghetti-and-fake-meatballs as the quick, easy, tasty thing I make at least once a week. It's extremely filling, and chock full of good SBD stuff like beans and tomatoes. It's the perfect vegan SBD meal!

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