Monday, February 23, 2004

Phase I, Day 3


Breakfast: American breakfast scramble with tomatoes (for my recipe, go here)

Midmorning snack: 1 cup Trader Joe's gazpacho

Lunch: Salad with garbanzos, olives and cashews [from Food Court]

Midafternoon snack: 4 Brazil nuts, and about 10 kalamata olives

Dinner: 2 cups roasted vegetable salad from the deli; 2 T hummus on celery

Late night snack: mug of hot chocolate

Exercise: no way


Today, I definitely felt bad. I woke up with a headache, which got worse until I took aspirin midday. Now it's mostly gone, but I can still kind of feel it back there, waiting to get bad again. The headache feels like the kind I get when I haven't eaten enough calories; no surprise there, I guess. I also definitely felt weak, and for the first time I felt really, really hungry (around lunchtime). I can't even imagine trying to go for a run today. And, I've been pissing like a racehorse. Seriously, I have to go about every couple of hours or less. I woke up three times last night to pee. Is it because of all the raw vegetables I'm eating, which really have a very high water content?

I've read on the internet that people say the third day is usually the worst. That seems to be the case so far for me--that is, so long as things don't continue to decline.

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