Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Phase 2, Day 45


Breakfast: large hot coffee with fake cream; half a cantaloupe

Lunch: 1.5 c vegetable paella; 12 oz vegetable soup; diet Dr. Pepper

Dinner: 12 oz. vegan split pea soup; roasted vegetable sandwich on whole grain bread with tomato and lettuce; diet Snapple lime green tea

Late night snack: a mango; some bittersweet chocolate

Exercise: none


In the mood to eat junk food? Watch it instead! I saw The Fast and the Furious last night; truly the film medium's answer to candy. Fast cars, hunky boys, slutty girls... and one kickass soundtrack. Extra bonus: the women are so skinny, your jealousy will kill any desire to eat snacks while watching. Possible bummer moment: realizing what Michelle Rodriguez of GirlFight has been reduced to.

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