Thursday, March 18, 2004

Phase II, Day 13


Breakfast: 1/2 ww bagel with almond butter/flax meal spread; mug of black tea

Lunch (spaced over a couple hours): 3 oz baked asian tofu; large carrot with hummus; mug of green tea

Midafternoon snack: lemon poppyseed Clif bar (all Clif bars and Luna bars are vegan, and delicious. They are sugary, though, and not really appropriate for SBD, despite their high protein and fiber content)

Dinner: bowl of chili (made differently than before: I used pinto beans, and added cubed winter squash); wedge of cornbread

Exercise: 30 minutes on the elliptical


I have definitely become more sensitive to sweet tastes. I had always heard people refer to carrots as "sweet," but I never understood it. Carrot juice, maybe yes, but carrots? Yet the carrot I had today, the first time I've had an unadulterated carrot since starting this diet, had the most delicious sweet flavor. And it was an *old carrot*. I bought it just before I started the diet!

Today was a roller-coaster-y day. I didn't get the job I interviewed for in Chicago, but they offered me a similar one (maybe even a better one? I haven't quite figured it out/decided) at the same place. I *think* I'm going to take it...

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