Monday, March 01, 2004

Phase I, Day 10


Breakfast: V-8

Midmorning "snack": can of diet coke, cup of coffee with fake cream and equal

Lunch: plain green salad with raspberry (?) vinaigrette [catered meal]

Midafternoon snack: baba ghanoush with dill pickles

Dinner: tapas meal -- lots of little things like asparagus and mushrooms and stuff (plus a little goat cheese. Sorry, goats!); decaf espresso [restaurant meal]

Late night snack: more baba ghanoush and pickles; 1/4 c pecans

Exercise: 45 minutes on the treadmill


Bizzy bizzy day -- I'm surprised I did as well as I did on both the vegan and SBD elements of my diet. I guess the raspberry vinaigrette was a no-no, but it was that or eat dry lettuce. I'm not that much of a masochist. And, I ate some goat cheese (about 2 T worth) for dinner. I easily resisted cookies at lunch, and rich desserts at dinner, though. I should have been ravenous, but I honestly wasn't tempted. I think that once one gets into the habit of resisting temptation, it really becomes second nature, and you eventually don't experience things as tempting in the first place.

I knew this trip was going to be hard on my veganism, and it has been. The world is ready and willing to adapt to vegetarians, but vegans are a different thing altogether. Not that I'm complaining--you really can't expect people to cater to you when your diet is *that* unusual. And being a vegan who doesn't eat grains or fruit... forget it. I could have had a perfectly lovely lunch, in fact, of rice and beans, salad, and lots of fresh fruit. Perfectly healthy, perfectly tasty, perfectly vegan... but still not allowed on the SBD. Oh, well. I hope my freakish eating habits didn't make me look bad; I tried to be as light hearted about them as possible and laugh at myself.

I'm going to go for a run on the hotel gym's treadmill, then will take a nice, long sauna. Tomorrow I have more interviews, two more restaurant meals to survive, and then I head home, to collapse and obsess over whether and when I hear back about this job...

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